Tentang Blog

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What happens lately?

Hi world,

Can I kiss you again?
Can I nag and murmur at you? For all the unfairnes and sadness happen lately.

Hello, Its been a while to leave writing habit. I am happy to be back again. Jiwa lamaku bersorak sorai sebab waktunya kembali menghampiri.

Dunia perpolitikan Indonesia sedang sedih sedihnya. Presiden baru muka lama yang sedang diuji keberpihakannya, dengan gaya lama pencitraan yang coba dibawakan kembali. Beberapa orang bilang sudah saatnya "social media strategist" -nya diganti. Butuh orang baru, butuh inovasi. Lebih tepatnya, please bapak e su ti pake itu pencitraan, kasih solusi masalah saja bapak. Masa setelah kunjung lahan yang dibakar dan melihat derita masyarakat yang menghirup kabut asap, tim bapak lalu posting soal menghabiskan waktu keluarga. Then I can't blame people throwing critics at you but you deserve.

Lalu mari bergeser ke persetujuan undang-undang KPK. It took no time to be agreed like I mean they were kind of rushing it, didn't they? Its kind of sad there were not so many protests on it from people that I think would like help common people like us to understand what is it about. Rest in Peace, KPK! Lebih banyak birokrasi yang harus dilewati juga perizinan pada kelompok dewan yang terhormat. Lalu tidak akan ada yang ditangkap karena kasus korupsi. Semuanya aman sesuai prosedur. I was a bit surprised and sad there were no so much protest and booming like other issues really. Where are you people?  There was a hope at the end of the week, to see students being a part of the movement. Super proud.

Kemudian RUU KUHP yang beberapa memuat poin-poin yang masih mengandung ketidakadilan pada minoritas juga tidak jelas. Mereka yang gelandangan didenda, is this a problem solving way? memutus rantai permasalahan pada akarnya?

Menertawai undang -undang yang lebih fokus ke urusan selangkangan dan menutup informasi untuk pendidikan seksual sejak dini. Padahal informasi ini penting sekali. Tentu saja dengan poin penting pada target dan gaya penyampaian.

I was in Makassar last month, bought underwears with group of friends. Ifa was an activist in giving children sexual education.  As one that exposed with so much information available in term of sexuality, I was embarrassed to bring to a cashier whom was a man so I gave my underwears to my friend. Ifa, who was like a mother, Ka Rosa kenapa? Kasih sendiri aja? Kenapa malu kak?"
This was one of scene that I contemplated the most for the whole week, I realized that I am lacking on deep understanding about being a woman and facing her sexuality.

This one shall not pass. Sending lots of love and hugs for those who speak up about this. Universe will conspire for all the fairness ideas, action and movement.

Membahagiakan Anak-anak

Dalam dua bulan ini karena lagi musim tahun ajaran baru, saya  menyisihkan rejeki untuk belanja-belanja pernak pernik lucu, semacam buku dia...