Tentang Blog

Tuesday, June 15, 2021



Flowers bloom everywhere 

even in the most dryness 

if only that you see as it is 

But it is what it is 

Pain, just survive and thrive to give birth

new leaf comes, old bloom leaves

What's the point of being?

It is the tear we shed 

during hard days 

or laugh at small things 

in the words of little children, 

in their giggles of funny jokes 

in your stare

in your act 

in your laugh

I find myself blooming 

Guru said, life is a mix 

Sometimes left you with pain

You should laugh at your vulnerability

Early in the morning 

Sound of birds & chickens,

Clock tickling, farmers out of the house

Bed is still warm, don't leave  

Can we be cats, till the sun hits, till we're  hungry

and life continues  

with the glasses  of coffee & tea, bills paid

page of writings, emails replied

failed applications, numerous opportunities 

list of good books, adventurous trips and 

stories in between





Like a field 

Throwing ball at each other

Not trying to catch and save 

give and everything

then it will come to and end 


Be watered enough

Will be your beautiful forever

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